Monday, December 23, 2013



“欸,阿J, 我听说你跟某某人的妹妹玩暧昧哦!”最近的某个聚会,我很久没见面的朋友,忽然跟我说了这句话。我的临场反应,当然是,驳斥!原因有二!其一,我纯粹只是跟对方聊得来了。其二,这么说,很伤害对方!





Please don’t apologise to me. You’ve done nothing wrong. You’ve told me what I’m owned to know, you’ve shown me what I’m deserved to be treated, and, none of the actions are inconsistent! I shall apologise instead, for putting you in a difficult spot as if you’re the wrong one.

Of course, I’m neither the gentlemen you meet in your campus nor all the kind people you close to. I spoke the ills of yours for days. I hated you for days. In total, I did so for almost one week. Then, I realised that I really love you and love shouldn’t be interpreted in such a way. Besides, I should be largely held responsible for not expressing my love in the proper way!

I accepted the fact that you will never love me. I accepted the fact that you’re just too good for me. I accepted the fact that you’ve one man who is more capable, more suitable, more caliber, more mature, more protective, healthier, smarter, and, the utmost important matter – he treats you like the oyster looks after its pearl! I know, he is your Mr. Right. By the way, my accurate sixth sense told me, you’re going to marry him, in the near future.

Perhaps, it would be naïve enough for me to hope that I can make friend with you, again. But, I hope one day, I will have a chance to make peace with you. Not matter what, I wish you all the best, my friend!






我看着刚买的金鱼,忽然有感而发。我想,每个人都有自己的烦恼。所以,我坚持 我无法帮别人解决问题,但我无需为他人添乱!


亲爱的妳, 最近,你好吗?我想,应该不差吧?或许,有些许的忙碌,但我想,妳会忙得很幸福也很快乐。 前些日子,我在面子书才知道你毕业了。其实,我好替妳开心哦!毕竟,我知道妳一路走来并不那么容易。先是离家背景,再来就是环境适应,接着就是课业的挑战...