Friday, November 16, 2012


is like the fuel,
to power a car;
to operate a machine;

is just like the sunshine,
to grow the flowers in the garden;
to nurture the grass beside the path.

is just like a paintbrush,
to beautify the things in the world,
to colour every thing in the world.

is just like a dictionary,
to give every little things meaning;
to define every little things in a special way.

You’re the person,
whom I see my love,
with joy;
you’re the person,
whom I find my love,
grow stronger.

You’re the one,
who powers my life;
who nurtures my life;
who beautifies my life;
who defines my life.

my dear,
you’re far more important,
than I can think of!

my dear,
I love you,
far more than I can imagine!

I believe,
we shall hold each other,
to walk in the pavement,
to see the sunset.

I believe,
we shall share our stories,
with our children;
with our grandchildren.

Before the days arrive,
I wish you’re happy,
I wish you’re blessed,

Oh! I just can't stop loving her!

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亲爱的妳, 最近,你好吗?我想,应该不差吧?或许,有些许的忙碌,但我想,妳会忙得很幸福也很快乐。 前些日子,我在面子书才知道你毕业了。其实,我好替妳开心哦!毕竟,我知道妳一路走来并不那么容易。先是离家背景,再来就是环境适应,接着就是课业的挑战...