Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I love you

The Sun in the sky,
bring the warmth,
to the living on the ground;
the wind from the sea,
cool the ground of the Earth;
the love I have to you,
bring the joys to me.

From the same sky,
it brings drought to the ground;
from the same sea,
it brings flood to the ground;
the one whom loves you,
hurt you as well.

The rain shall fall,
after the drought;
the water shall escape,
after the flood;
I shall learn the lessons,
after everything occurred.

As the sunshine shall appear,
after the rain,
as the bird shall fly,
after the rain;
our love would be stronger;
our love would be forever.

I wish to say,
I love you,
to you,
every day;
every morning;
every night.

As I really love you;
as I truly love you.

I wish,
every day is a happy day,
to you;
I hope,
every day is a blessed day,
to you.

How can I deny the hurts that I bring to her by my stupidity? I shall learn the lessons and never do it again!

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亲爱的妳, 最近,你好吗?我想,应该不差吧?或许,有些许的忙碌,但我想,妳会忙得很幸福也很快乐。 前些日子,我在面子书才知道你毕业了。其实,我好替妳开心哦!毕竟,我知道妳一路走来并不那么容易。先是离家背景,再来就是环境适应,接着就是课业的挑战...