Friday, September 25, 2009

25 september 2009

I have just finished my assignment.. Exhausted man... Do you get your assignment already? I also hope that you can read my blog also when you browse through the net... how ignorant am i? sorry , i'm day-dreaming again.

Today i saw a picture of you and him. I really felt discontent. But,i also feel a sense of guilty was rising in my heart when i saw your eyes in the picture at the same time. Can you tell me why? But, i think is due to what i had done to you. How irony it is? I also try to use the story in the Bible to convince myself that you will forgive me. But, in the bottom of my heart , i knew that you'll not.

I do know why i still miss you so much. Every time i'll remember your smile when i encounter problems.

But, you should congrate me in fact because i finally less hoping my hp to shake already and less disturb people already. I really miss the days that we have sms-ed each other even before test. There is something sweet to me .. Do you know that? May be you're not interested also, as i'm not the apple of your eyes. But, doesn't matter. Because you're in my eyes.

I want to tell out loud that even there is no guys in the world want you, in the condition you're old, i'm . So, you're not allowed to say nobody love you. But, you may say that nobody who has quality want you.

would we work at the same company,hospital,next time? as more private hospital is opened. I work as an accountant and you work as a doctor. how nice it is!!

I hope u're in pink. All the best, my friend.(-,^)

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亲爱的妳, 最近,你好吗?我想,应该不差吧?或许,有些许的忙碌,但我想,妳会忙得很幸福也很快乐。 前些日子,我在面子书才知道你毕业了。其实,我好替妳开心哦!毕竟,我知道妳一路走来并不那么容易。先是离家背景,再来就是环境适应,接着就是课业的挑战...